welcome to uBit

welcome to uBit

welcome to The Universal Basic Income Think Tank (uBit), a nonprofit sharing the pros + cons of Universal Basic Income (UBI). we support research, and share with the broader public.

we exist at a unique point in history when our technology is poised to free us from much labor. yet, the social system hasn’t evolved to accomodate the change.

and, as the world rushes towards automation and AI, policies like UBI will become more important to consider in good faith.

we can keep things the same: maintain an economy of “bullshit” jobs (ala Graeber) to keep people precariously employed in the face of progressive economic disenfranchisement as more job sectors vanish.

or, we can adapt.

in these rapidly changing times, whatever decision we decide on will be the one that we all have to live with. so is a UBI feasible? let’s find out together.

understanding the past

understanding the past


meta analysis of all public UBI research literature published in the last 50 years

understanding the past


meta analysis of all public UBI research literature published in the last 50 years

discussing the present

discussing the present


events + talks around the pros,

cons, and the whys/why nots of a


events + talks around the pros, cons, and the whys/why nots of a


modelling + simulation

modelling + simulation


computer programs that simulate communities that receive UBI in

several forms.

experimental pilots

experimental pilots


funding and running crowdsourced UBI trials to understand the possibilities + retroactions.

let's get in touch

let's get in touch

support us

support us

we are a registered Canadian non-profit.

donation information about supporting our work is soon to come.